I was walking with my mum to a neighbour's house to feed her fishes, as the house owner is away for a period of 6 months. My mum has been entrusted with the responsibility to ensure that the fishes are well fed and that they remain alive and healthy when the owner returns. You might be thinking "Wow.. your mum would have to clean the tank, and all sorts then". Well, the owner actually breed fishes in this huge flower pot which houses a lotus-flower like plant... For aesthetic purpose, and also to ensure that no worms, or germs, or even mosquitoes will breed in the pot, as these fishes feed on anything.
It was a sunny-cum-cloudy morning.. As i squat by the pot looking at the fishes clamouring for the fish feed, I realise it's always the survival of the fittest, or rather "May the best one wins". You would notice that the bigger and more agressive fishes will always win the upper hand, as they will be the first to rush to the food source, and practically devour everything before the other fishes even get a whiff of the fish feed.
This is indeed a mirror of what is happening with people nowadays. Everyone is always always dreaming of new and innovative ways to find more, do more, and gain more. This is regardless of its application towards one's personal life or working life. It's not wrong voicing what you want and fighting tooth-and-nail to get it, because your needs is all that matters.
But, has it ever crossed your mind that sometimes, we, humans are just plain greedy? That we are sometimes so aggressive, that it turns out to be a zero-sum game... It's your survival against the others.
How do you justify that XXX is enough for me, and that I should leave the balance to others?
Or should I just grab hold of everything in my line of sight; just because I think I deserve it?
How do I know if I am crossing the line towards the dark side... the Devil of Greediness
For this one time, I wished that there is a SOP..
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