Have you ever experienced a situation whereby you have no say over an issue; which you are clearly in charge of? Instead, someone else is getting all over-reacted and starts making comments and remarks which are clearly undermining your authority.
I have, and it happened last week. I couldn't believe it when that person starts to act all important and over-bearing with comments such as "if you have the conscience to do so, go ahead", "We do not owe them an explanation", "they will still come back to us, if we call them in the next time". Comments of these do not help to solve the problem; and instead is only equivalent to trying to douse a fire with turpentine.
At the end of the day, it's all about managing relationship. And if you want to act all High-and-Mighty, don't come crawling back to me, and expect me to say a few good words to soothe people's hurt feeling. Money is not everything; and your misdemeanor will come back and haunt you.
Obviously, people do not understand; and expect others to just nod their head and agree with everything which is being said. Don't it just irritates you when one starts behaving in this manner?
Perhaps a backlash is what they need; in order to understand what it means to be humble and $$$ is not everything!
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